Island Shopping

by | Aug 18, 2015

Today’s shopping basket – US $74.50

I popped to the store quickly to pick up a few things and was a little shocked as to how depleted my cash funds were upon my return home. I’ve been grocery shopping on Harbour Island for quite some time now, but it still never ceases to amaze me how expensive things are. Nothing in my shopping basket was organic and the fanciest thing is some uncured bacon. I was especially sad to discover that my main shopping items including eggplant, garlic, ginger and broccoli, which were all on tonight’s dinner menu, weren’t at any of the several food stores that I stopped at.

It’s also getting into that time of year that since tourists aren’t frequenting the island, the food stores begin placing minimal orders. The supply boats arrive on Thursdays, so if you try to shop on a Tuesday (like I did today) your options for anything green might be deduced to a few wilted herbs and some frozen peas.

Another challenge of island living! Be prepared for expensive groceries and limited options.